
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Letter to God !!! (continued) 3

Show us Your will and plan in Your timing dear Lord...  With the Holy Spirit as our guide we may do mighty acts and experience more than we have ever experienced before.  TEACH us to be obedient at Your calling and may we be more like You...

   My child, I do have a special plan for you and if you KEEP YOUR EYES on ME, and DO WHAT , and GO WHERE I LEAD you, you WILL SEE MIRACLES in your life...  This is the time to put your FAITH IN ME as I know exactly what I HAVE PLANNED for you.  This is the TIME to START OVER AGAIN, for this is the DAY OF NEW BEGINNINGS.  I know you don't see MY PLAN but HAVE FAITH IN ME, for I WILL NEVER LEAD you in the wrong direction or DO ANYTHING that WOULD BRING HARM to you in any way.  Just put your TRUST in ME MY CHILD and LEAN NOT on your own understanding, for MY WAYS are HIGHER than your ways...  I WILL DIRECT your path and show you my SALVATION...

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