
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A Letter to God !!! 4

     Yes, my Heavenly Father I do believe in You and I WILL put my TRUST in You even when I CAN"T SEE WHERE I AM GOING.   I may not know about my TOMORROWS dear Lord, but I SURE KNOW WHO HOLDS MY HAND...  If Alan Donne lives or if his earthly tabernacle dies we WILL SERVE THE LORD!!!  whichever, this home WILL BE where GOD is UPHELD AND DECLARED as the LORD of our HEARTS and spirit. 

   PRAISE GOD for His MIGHTY ACTS!!!    Your WILL be done in our lives...  May all the WOUNDED HEARTS be HEALED in Your children.  May they be MINISTERED to and GIVEN a CHANCE to LIVE in HEAVEN with You someday...


                                                             Gertrude Ann

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Letter to God !!! (continued) 3

Show us Your will and plan in Your timing dear Lord...  With the Holy Spirit as our guide we may do mighty acts and experience more than we have ever experienced before.  TEACH us to be obedient at Your calling and may we be more like You...

   My child, I do have a special plan for you and if you KEEP YOUR EYES on ME, and DO WHAT , and GO WHERE I LEAD you, you WILL SEE MIRACLES in your life...  This is the time to put your FAITH IN ME as I know exactly what I HAVE PLANNED for you.  This is the TIME to START OVER AGAIN, for this is the DAY OF NEW BEGINNINGS.  I know you don't see MY PLAN but HAVE FAITH IN ME, for I WILL NEVER LEAD you in the wrong direction or DO ANYTHING that WOULD BRING HARM to you in any way.  Just put your TRUST in ME MY CHILD and LEAN NOT on your own understanding, for MY WAYS are HIGHER than your ways...  I WILL DIRECT your path and show you my SALVATION...

Monday, April 11, 2011

A Letter to God !!! (continued)

         Our Father, with Your help make a way for both Alan Donne and myself to find the space we need to
  help each other as each new day dawns.   May Your Grace and Peace abide in this home forever and Your  Love bind us ever closer to You and each other.    I praise You Father for bringing Alan Donne into my life
and our rewarding years with each other.   Even if it is just a few more months the Doctors are giving him our
life together and the life we share with You, may they be more loving, kind and gentle with each passing day...


      Oh God!    You know I don't really like or look forward to having to pack and move again...  I thought this last move was the last one I would have to make..  But here we are again having to move once more. Help me to only move what I have to and get rid of what I can't move...   We moved from a fairly big house to a 2 bedroom apartment to possibly one much smaller.   there has been so very much that has happened since 1986 when I started having cataracts which finally took most of my eyesight by 1988...   Then I had the cataracts removed and special plastic lenses put in.   Then in May of 1991 I had the hysterectomy done
and  the cancer found.      Praise God!!!    But then this new challenge to increase our faith even more....being Alan Donne and the cancer he has in his body.   I know You have a special plan for us, but as yet we don't see what it is.   maybe You are stretching our wings so we may fly higher than ever before.  Just like a baby eagle when he is learning to fly.   the mother eagle  takes him higher each time and lets him drop from her back and goes down a ways, just far enough for the baby eagle to feel the wind in his wings.  After a while with the help of the mother eagle he is ready to soar far above.  Is that what You are doing to us our Heavenly Father?   that we may soar in our faith?

A Letter to God !!!


    Oh God!  My feelings and emotions are so mixed up and confusing right now.  I want to try to bring them
to the surface so we can deal with them.  I resent the invasion of this word CANCER in my life and the life
of my loved one once again...  this invasion takes away our ability to think straight and deal with the matters
at hand..   I resent the ability stolen to come and go with Alan Donne whenever we wanted to take off  and
go for walks.  I miss those times we could just sit and talk or just be together doing nothing...  The need  to
be needed and for someone to do for me what I can't do for myself...  I call on You to meet that need.  I
just want it to be like it was;  that time shall be no more...  I know we can't go back to the way it was ever again unless a miracle is done in his body... that body is invaded by this dreaded disease called cancer and
we can't fight it in ourselves.  we need your help to understand and know  what is really going on in the spiritual world...
I know there is a heavy battle over this life in Alan Donne's body.  We know the spiritual life lives on after the natural body dies and we know there will be peace in Heaven where no more pain and death occur.  I long for that opportunity that is afforded all those who believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, our Savior and soon coming King.  I do believe and surrender my entire life to You to do with at Your will...  The ability  to love again and be loved is the desire of my heart...  I long to even feel love again...
     I feel so dead in my spirit.  Revive me with Your sweet Holy Spirit...  Let me feel You again and have the joy of Your presence.  I try to forget the thing of Cancer that has invaded our lives again; first my Mom,
Aunt, Alan Donne's Mother,  Brother and the scare we had just ten short months ago when I found out
about the cancer in my own body.  But praise God You kept mine from spreading...  the doctors say Alan Donne's was in his lungs for years and we can't do anything about that now...  Why did his spread and mine didn't... only You know God...  Now the doctors say he has less then six months to eternity it seems but is only a short time to enjoy his company.  I love him so much and yet it doesn't seem to be enough right now.  Love him now through me and let me not resent him but resent the invasion that has come into his
body, the earthly tabernacle that will be shed at death and go into eternity to be with his Heavenly Father... Draw us both to your precious side when the time comes...