
Monday, April 11, 2011

A Letter to God !!! (continued)

         Our Father, with Your help make a way for both Alan Donne and myself to find the space we need to
  help each other as each new day dawns.   May Your Grace and Peace abide in this home forever and Your  Love bind us ever closer to You and each other.    I praise You Father for bringing Alan Donne into my life
and our rewarding years with each other.   Even if it is just a few more months the Doctors are giving him our
life together and the life we share with You, may they be more loving, kind and gentle with each passing day...


      Oh God!    You know I don't really like or look forward to having to pack and move again...  I thought this last move was the last one I would have to make..  But here we are again having to move once more. Help me to only move what I have to and get rid of what I can't move...   We moved from a fairly big house to a 2 bedroom apartment to possibly one much smaller.   there has been so very much that has happened since 1986 when I started having cataracts which finally took most of my eyesight by 1988...   Then I had the cataracts removed and special plastic lenses put in.   Then in May of 1991 I had the hysterectomy done
and  the cancer found.      Praise God!!!    But then this new challenge to increase our faith even more....being Alan Donne and the cancer he has in his body.   I know You have a special plan for us, but as yet we don't see what it is.   maybe You are stretching our wings so we may fly higher than ever before.  Just like a baby eagle when he is learning to fly.   the mother eagle  takes him higher each time and lets him drop from her back and goes down a ways, just far enough for the baby eagle to feel the wind in his wings.  After a while with the help of the mother eagle he is ready to soar far above.  Is that what You are doing to us our Heavenly Father?   that we may soar in our faith?

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