
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tears Of a Wounded Heart !!! (continued)

Put Your arms around me and hold me tight right now.  May I lay in Your arms til this night and the hurt is gone...   WALK through this trial and this trying time with me.    I sold the 25 caliber pistol so I wouldn't
have it here...  BE GONE temptations and LEAVE me ALONE tonight and always...   I BELONG to
Jesus Christ and Him ALONE will I SERVE...  I TAKE A STAND and DECLARE that Jesus Christ is my Lord,Savior and soon coming King.  I WILL NOT TURN BACK for I WILL GO FORWARD from this
night on...   be my FRIEND for I have a WOUNDED HEART...    Help me sleep tonight and wake up refreshed in the morning...   TOUCH my mind and CLEAR it from all worry and confusion...   I do need You more than ever before.   In Your written word it says You are a husband to the widow...  BE MINE and LET me TELL You all that is on my mind.   There is so much that has happened and I'm so confused right now. 
The pain in my heart and body is just too much to handle by myself.   I NEED HELP...MAY I GET the HELP I NEED...   I ADMIT that I NEED HELP and I ASK You to LEAD me to that HELP...
Thank You that You hear me and You don't turn Your back on me when I need You...   Thank You for giving  me this talent for writing out my feelings...   May I MAKE myself TRANSPARENT so You can HELP me....

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