
Sunday, April 3, 2011

There's Healing For All The Wounded Hearts!!!

Dedicated to my husband, Alan Donne, for his love and gentleness of spirit...

In appreciation of what God has done in our lives I hereby praise Him
for His mighty grace and wonderful Love to us...

                                   In His Service!!!
                                      Gertrude Ann



1 comment:

  1. When I met Alan Donne at a Church Camp I found the prefect mate. God led both of us to camp that year. He was a Godly Christian man who had a gentle and caring spirit who was committed and dedicated to the mission God had for him. He had wisdom and knowledge of the written word... when we were married we worked side by side doing a writing ministry of testimonies and visions of Heaven and the (ONE)way to Heaven and there is but one way to Heaven...we sent out booklets that we made up of the pages of the plan of salvation. Alan Donne had another ministry of prayer to the missionaries calling them out by name including the name of the country and their children... we had a blessed marriage spending almost twenty years til his death in 1992.

    In His Service!!!

    Gertrude Ann
